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The Flint & Co. would not start out as a Bitters manufacture. In 1864 Henry S. and Ezra H. Flint started a furniture and warehouse business in Providence, R.I. Business must have been good by 1867 the Flint & Co. would have three stores.

Harvey Flint who was a cashier at the store would leave the furniture company in 1872. He would become a proprietor and manufacturer in medicine and in June of 1872 he would acquire a patent on Quaker Bitters and start manufacturing Old Dr. Warren's Quaker Bitters. The confusing thing is that there was already a patent on Old Dr. Warren's Quaker Bitters on Dec 1870.

Harvey's two sons along with Henry S. Flint would join him in the company. By 1876 Henry S. would become a physician and would take over the company product renaming the medicine Dr. H. S. Flint & Co.

Harvey would die in 1882 and by 1885 Henry would buy the Providence Furniture Co. and merge it with the original Flint & Co. Furniture business. This would make the Flint's the largest furniture business in Rhode Island at the time. By 1886 Dr. H. S. was no longer mentioned and now the company was Flint & Co. again. Below is a photo of three Quakers bitters bottles


Below are photos of the OLD DR. WARREN'S // QUAKER BITTERS // FLINT & CO. PROV. R. I.

olddr_1.olddr_2.olddr_3.dr waren label

Old Dr. Warren supposedly was a doctor in 1830s how invented the formula for Quaker Bitters.

Below are photos of two different sizes of DR. FLINT'S // QUAKER BITTERS // PROVIDENCE, R. I.


quaker ad

quaker trade card


Below is a advertisement.

dr flints ad. 1875 Rockland Country Journal.


Orlando Sentinel. Kovel 12.com

Bitters Bottle by Carlyn Ring & W. C. Ham.

Frank & Frank Jr. (Wicker) Bottle Collection.

quaker a

quaker b

old dr warren a..old dr warren b

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