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Collatinus D. Warner was born in 1840. By 1872 Collatinus would become Dr. Warner. He started manufacturing White Wine of Tar, German Hop Bitters and Blood and Liver Pills. He was located in Reading Mich. He would go house to house selling his products in the early years. In 1887 Dr. Warner would relocate to Coldwater, Mich.

Asa Soule the maker of Soule Hop Bitters and Doyle Hop Bitters would sue Dr. Warner for the similarity of their roofed semi cabin bottles.

Collatinus D. Warner retired in 1909 at the age of 69. His son Hiram E. Warner who was a salesman for the company would take the company over. Now the company was called Warner's White Wine and Tar. C.D. Warner would die in 1916 at the age of 76 and his son Hiram died in 1932 at the age of 62.

Their best selling product was the White Wine and Tar. Below is a photo of this bottle.

Below is a photo of a DR. WARNERS (peened out panel variant) // READING, MICH. // MOTIF OF HOP FLOWERS (on the roof panel) GERMAN // HOP // BITTERS //1872. In a light off color amber.



Below is a DR. C. D. WARNER // READING, MICH. ( embossed on roof panels )GERMAN // HOPS // BITTERS //1880


There are many other variants of this bottle. Some have Coldwater Mich. and others have the date of 1880. Also a few have a rounded roof panel.

warner round shoulder Here is a round roof panel version.

german hop trade card


Dr. Cannon Medicine Chest Article March 1990, June 1998 and May 2009 in the AB&GC.

Bitters Bottles by Carlyn Ring & W.C. Ham.

Frank & Frank JR. (Wicker) Bottle Collection.

c d warner a

german hops label .......german hop label. Courtesy of GWA,

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